SecondsWelcome to the Virtual Postsecondary Convening 2023! We are thrilled to have you join us for this exciting event. This year's theme is "College Equity Conference: Strengthening Access, Inclusion, and Belonging for Deaf Students.
This conference aims to help you:
There is no cost to attend this event, it is open to the public, including disability services professionals, admins, counselors, service providers, and faculty. We have also targeted institutions that serve any number of deaf students or are preparing to.
We hope you will find this conference informative, engaging, and enlightening. Thank you for joining us, and let's work together to make college accessible, equitable, and inclusive for all deaf students.
For more details about all scheduled sessions, check the Programs page. Don't forget to adjust the schedule for your time zone
The National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcome's College Equity Conference is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs #H326D210002. The contents shared in all sessions do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the federal government. Project Officer: Dr. Louise Tripoli.
A more detailed program will be provided on the learning platform. Don't forget to adjust the schedule for your time zone
Participation will be beneficial for disability services and other college professionals to learn best practices, acquire new knowledge and resources, and connect with colleagues in the field on providing accessible, equitable, and inclusive college experiences for deaf students.
Captioning and Interpreters will be available for all sessions.
Yes, you must register to attend the conference using the virtual platform. There is no deadline to register.
Click on the registration link here.
Access to the platform will be available 10am CST on Tuesday, October 17th, 2023.
You will receive an email after you register with credentials and a link to log in.
Recorded session will be made available within 48 hours of event ending. Anyone who registers will have access to all recorded sessions until November 17, 2023.
The College Equity Conference: Strengthening Access, Inclusion, and Belonging for Deaf Students with the National Deaf Center will be held on an innovative, customized virtual platform. Guests will begin in the lobby and will “enter” a virtual auditorium. By clicking on the screen in the Main Stage and selecting the appropriate event, a Zoom-based event will “pop-out” for participants to watch the event.
The event is comprised of: live virtual sessions, pre-recorded spotlights, breakout room discussions for collaborative opportunities, access to resources, and networking with colleagues
No, you can decide which sessions you would like to attend.
No, you will only need to register for the event. No additional installations or software is needed.
For any technical issues, send an email to: NDCevents@getvfairs.io
Yes, but it is recommended that you use a desktop or computer screen that will provide a better user experience.